Located in Plymouth, Michigan, The Pizza Spot offers New York Style Pizza by the slice, Pies, Salads, Calzones, Stromboli’s & More. Our ultimate goal is to serve the best pizza possible. We are challenging the common practices of pizza-making in the hope of influencing the industry and elevating the overall quality of pizza in America. It’s a lofty goal that means constantly searching for better ingredients while continuously honing our techniques with each and every pizza we make. We have defined what great pizza is to us, and painstakingly worked backwards to create it.
We are not saying we have the perfect pizza, but that is our goal, and it informs everything we do. Everything is about the product and making it better every single day. If that means learning a new cooking technique, then we do it. If it means trying a new farm for vegetables, then we do it. Every day, our commitment is to provide the best product and the best process to give you the best food, and ultimately, the best pizza.
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