At Nature Wellness Spa, we believe in the power of relaxation and rejuvenation. Our spa offers a serene escape where expert therapists provide soothing massages, holistic therapies, and wellness treatments tailored to your needs. With a blend of traditional techniques and modern approaches, we ensure a refreshing experience that nurtures both body and mind. Whether you seek stress relief, detoxification, or pure indulgence, our tranquil ambiance and premium services promise complete relaxation. Experience ultimate well-being at Nature Wellness Spa, where harmony and healing come together for your perfect retreat.
Visit Us:
Lower Parel Branch: 3rd Floor, Tree Building, Raghuvanshi Mill Compound, Shop no, 302/303, Senapati Bapat Marg, Lower Parel, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400013
Ghatkopar Branch: 1’st Floor, Billi Bunglow, opposite Sindhu Wadi, above KICK CAFE, Neelkhanth Valley, Ghatkopar East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400077
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