25a North Row, Construction and Renovation Suite
London, Greater London, W1K 6DJ
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Building Materials, Construction and Renovation
microcement, seamless flooring, water-resistant, hypoallergenic, eco-friendly
Microcement Flooring LTD is a leading provider specializing in microcement flooring, renowned for its durable and sleek finishes. This company offers innovative solutions for both residential and commercial spaces, ensuring a seamless and contemporary aesthetic. Key services include installation, consultation, and customization of microcement floors, integrating design flexibility and functionality. Their flooring solutions are characterized by water resistance, hypoallergenic properties, and ease of maintenance. They utilize high-quality materials such as polymer-modified cements and fine aggregates, catering to clients seeking a modern, minimalist look. Microcement Flooring LTD is noted for its expertise in colour matching, surface preparation, and eco-friendly practices, making it a standout in the microcement industry.
25a North Row, Construction and Renovation Suite
London, Greater London, W1K 6DJ
Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
Building Materials, Construction and Renovation
microcement, seamless flooring, water-resistant, hypoallergenic, eco-friendly
Microcement Flooring LTD is a leading provider specializing in microcement flooring, renowned for its durable and sleek finishes. This company offers innovative solutions for both residential and commercial spaces, ensuring a seamless and contemporary aesthetic. Key services include installation, consultation, and customization of microcement floors, integrating design flexibility and functionality. Their flooring solutions are characterized by water resistance, hypoallergenic properties, and ease of maintenance. They utilize high-quality materials such as polymer-modified cements and fine aggregates, catering to clients seeking a modern, minimalist look. Microcement Flooring LTD is noted for its expertise in colour matching, surface preparation, and eco-friendly practices, making it a standout in the microcement industry.
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