Hamswell Lifecare is one of the leading and most well-known PCD pharma franchise Company in Ahmedabad, Gujarat. PCD stands for Propaganda-Cum-Distribution and is used in the pharmaceutical industry to facilitate the manufacturing, marketing, and distribution of medicinal products. We're proud to be one of the greatest PCD pharma franchise suppliers in India.
We offer a wide range of pharmaceuticals that are known for meeting industry standards in terms of formulation, composition, and packaging. We ensure that the pharmaceutical goods we manufacture, sell, and distribute are created using high-quality ingredients and the greatest infrastructure and technology available.
The quality of each pharmaceutical product is checked by quality control professionals from the Fossil Remedies PCD pharma brand and its partners. The team also keeps an eye on the storage and distribution operations to ensure that the quality of the pharmaceuticals is maintained throughout these logistical activities.
We intend to be one of India's leading PCD pharma firms by expanding our reach through distributors, agencies, and franchise options that include marketing and promotional support.
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