City Phones Pty Ltd is a Melbourne-based leading IPHONE screen repair store established on 7th September 2015. Here we provide high-quality IPHONE repair, Samsung phone repair, Google Pixel repair, IPAD repair, and Apple Watch repair at a reasonable price. We are a team of the most experienced and specialized technicians who are very friendly in nature and result-oriented. We are specialists in IPHONE screen repair, IPHONE battery replacement, IPHONE charging port replacement, IPHONE back covers replacement, IPHONE camera repair, Samsung phone screen repair, Samsung phone battery replacement, and many other brands mobile phone repair service provider. We use only genuine Apple, Samsung, Google Pixel, and other brand\s original parts to repair mobile phones, tablets, laptops, and smartwatches. If you compare our repair prices you will find them the lowest in the Australian market. We provide a standard repair warranty on every repair we provide to our customers.
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