CaseBasix is an all-in-one platform designed to help you secure offers from McKinsey, BCG, and Bain. Founded by former MBB consultants who understand the challenges of consulting interview prep, we offer comprehensive resources to overcome common hurdles like lack of a clear syllabus, time constraints, and high costs. Our platform includes simulation games that replicate actual screening tests such as the McKinsey Solve Game and BCG Online Case (Chatbot). We also provide the first-ever structured learning system for case interviews, guiding you through benchmark performance with proprietary videos and practice pods. Our method focuses on mastering case interviews in a very systematic method, ensuring you achieve top 1% performance. By offering affordable, self-study courses, CaseBasix is revolutionizing MBB coaching. With us, you're not just preparing for interviews—you're mastering them, turning your consulting aspirations into reality.
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