Brian Korienek has a passion for helping people. He enjoys helping clients reach their financial goals, and as a Senior Associate Advisor for Goldstone Financial Group, he is in the perfect position to do so. As a key member of the Goldstone team, Korienek guides individuals and families on a path toward a financially secure retirement.
When Korienek graduated from DePaul University with a degree in Business Management, he began working in a more analytical capacity for an agricultural commodities firm at the Chicago Board of Trade. As an analyst, Korienek was responsible for crunching numbers on commodities and predicting how each was going to open on the market that day. Korienek enjoyed the work, but desired to work directly with clients.
Brian Korienek shifted into the advisory sector by taking on a job as an independent financial advisor. However, the constraints of his job prevented him from reaching beyond his employer’s menu of financial products.
Brian Korienek needed a firm that would allow him the freedom to help his clients. He found Goldstone Financial Group. As a Registered Investment Advisory (RIA), Goldstone’s advisors are fiduciaries and are held to a higher ethical standard than non-fiduciary advisors. They have a moral and legal obligation to put their client’s needs first. This means they are not restricted to only certain products or companies. Goldstone advisors have the freedom to recommend any products that they believe will benefit their clients’ financial interests.
Korienek’s favorite task is to bring a client’s investment portfolio into alignment with their true risk tolerance. Korienek enjoys helping others and to him, there is no better way to support his clients than helping them build a foundation for a secure financial future, and giving them the confidence and comfort they need for their retirement.
Brian Korienek is a Senior Associate Advisor for Goldstone Financial Group, serving individuals in the Chicagoland area.
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