Anthony Pellegrino is the principal and owner of Goldstone Financial Group, an SEC Registered Investment Adviser. Though Goldstone Financial Group, Anthony Pellegrino is not only responsible for guiding his own clients through difficult investment decisions, but also for facilitating the success of Goldstone's associated specialists throughout the Midwest.To date, Pellegrino has helped over 1,500 clients manage their assets and set a solid foundation for their retirement savings.
Anthony Pellegrino firmly believes that your financial future is far too important to leave to the whims of a changing market. As an established fiduciary in Chicago, Pellegrino has well over eighteen years of experience in his field and specializes in creating low-risk, diversified investment portfolios for clients who want to save for retirement; highlights of his professional skill set include cash management, income planning, and providing strategies that target capital preservation and predictable payouts. Beyond his hands-on experience, Pellegrino's formal certifications include a Series 65 securities license and an Illinois Department of Insurance license.
Anthony Pellegrino currently co-hosts the CBS 2 Television show, ""Securing Your Financial Future,"" with fellow Goldstone principal, Michael Pellegrino. While on the air, the Pellegrinos provide actionable advice on how viewers can preserve their assets and effectively save for later in life. Outside of the financial sector, Pellegrino is also an ardent advocate for U.S. military veterans and dedicates his time and efforts to support the United Service Organization and Operation Support Our Troops.
Investment Advisory Services offered through Goldstone Financial Group, LLC (GFG), an SEC Registered Investment Advisor.
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