Sathya Agencies is No.1 home appliances dealers in Tamilnadu when it comes to delivering best quality products and utmost customer service. We offer a wide variety of top branded home and kitchen appliances for your perfect home. Wealso provide the best deals and seasonal offers on our products throughout the year making our customers happy and satisfied on their purchase. Sathya Store has around 159 branches across Tamilnadu, making it convenient for people to visit the store. Our main motive is spreading happiness, providing the latest appliances to your home at best prices, which we always find pleasure in and will continue to do. <br> <br>Sathya Store is the Best Home Appliances Showroom / Dealers who takes pride in offering best brands such as LG, Samsung, Bosch, Whirlpool, Sony, etc. In 1983, Sathya Store started its head office in Tuticorin, Tamilnadu. We are dealing with Electronic appliances, kitchenware, household appliances, mobiles, laptops, home theatres etc. With many years of experience, we have known needs and we started to provide a wide range of appliances according to the budget of the customers. Customer satisfaction is the main motto of our home appliances shop. We also provide exchange offers, seasonal offers, EMI offers and 0% interest installment schemes. <br> is your one stop destination to shop AC, Washing machines, TVs, Gadgets, and many more online at an affordable price range. <br> <br> <br> is your one stop destination to shop AC, Washing machines, TVs, Gadgets, and many more online at an affordable price range. <br> <br>\Home appliances showroom <br>#Home appliances shop <br>#Kitchen appliances showroom <br>#Buy AC online <br>#Buy Washing machine online <br>Buy TV online <br>#Home appliances dealers <br>#Air conditioner offers <br>#Washing machine offers <br>#TV offers
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