At Trauma and Beyond Center in Sherman Oaks CA, we offer cutting-edge psychotherapy modalities. Psychotherapy trauma is a deeply distressing or disturbing experience that happens to an individual, a family, and/or to a culture. These events or situations are so emotionally painful and disturbing that they often overload a person’s ability to cope. Individual and/or Group psychodrama therapy is provided by our team of specialists. During a telephone consultation we will discuss your individual needs of psychotherapy or trauma therapy and the style and modality of therapy that may be right for you.
Ph : 818-651-0725
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تعذر تحميل ملف: نوع الملف هذا غير متوافق.
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لتحميل الصور ومقاطع الفيديو والملفات الصوتية ، يجب الترقية إلى عضو محترف. لترقية الى مزايا أكثر