Thiam Yian is a traditional confectionery shop that specializes in handmade traditional pastries & cakes that are now rarely available. These handmade goods are commonly used in the past for special occasions – they are more famously known to be used in Chinese Wedding Guo Da Li.
Mr Tan Tiek Chow (Ah Chow), the founder, discovered his love for bakes as early as 16 years old. A born Malaysian, Mr Tan made his way to Singapore and started picking up his skills in baking from his Shi Fus (masters). Through dedication & hard work Mr Chow’s bakes gained the recognition & praise from his customers. In 1988, Mr Chow, together with a few relatives, started their very first flagship store – Thiam Yian Confectionery and have been serving authentic traditional baked goods to their new & loyal customers ever since then.
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Business Hours:
Tuesday to Sunday
8:00 AM–10:00 PM
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