Address :
42C Bow Chambers, The Playground Markings Suite, Tibb Lane
Manchester, M2 4JB
School Playground Painting specialises in transforming school playgrounds into vibrant, engaging spaces through professional painting services. Our team of skilled artists and painters uses high-quality, durable materials to create colourful playground markings, educational games, sports courts, and bespoke designs tailored to each school's needs. We work closely with schools to ensure the designs promote physical activity, learning, and social interaction. With a focus on safety and creativity, our services enhance outdoor play areas, making them more fun and educational for children. Key offerings include thermoplastic playground markings, anti-slip coatings, and environmentally friendly paint options, ensuring a lasting, positive impact on school environments.
school playground painting, playground design ideas, playground safety, playground games, playground markings, school playground art
Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday: 09:00 AM – 05:00 PM
© 2025 Ecological social network
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