Welcome your self to be one on one with Nature from sun rise to sun set ,
open your arms to the exclusive pristine private beach and Relax your senes in your comfort zone with our exclusive super deluxe rooms ,
to re-boot your energy and jump back into a pool of water to drench your soul . Refuel your body at our exquisite multi cuisine Restaurants .
We are located in the heart of ECR with a striking amalgamation of luxury , opulence & serenity. Landmark Pallavaa Beach Resort ,
Mahabalipuram , Chennai , Tamil Nadu . Feel the Richness of the ancient architecture & sculpture in all the monuments in an around
Mahabalipuram or Mamallapuram one of the UNESCO world heritage sites , surrounded with ancient temples and caves to the glory of lord Siva .
Address : Land Mark Pallavaa at Beach Resort, mahabalipuram, India
Contact No : +91-8939944400
Website : https://landmarkpallavaa.com/
: https://www.facebook.com/lankmark.pallavaa
: https://www.instagram.com/landmarkpallavaa/
Location : https://maps.app.goo.gl/iL3ALupENDJ7RFmk6
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