Phone Number:
0161 410 1346
Drug Addiction Clinics Ltd. provides comprehensive addiction treatment services for individuals struggling with drug dependency across the UK. They offer tailored treatment plans that include detoxification, individual and group therapy, and holistic approaches to address both the physical and psychological aspects of addiction. The dedicated team at Drug Addiction Clinics Ltd. employs evidence-based practices to ensure effective and compassionate care. Their goal is to support patients through every stage of their recovery journey, helping them achieve lasting sobriety and improve their overall quality of life. With a focus on personalised care, Drug Addiction Clinics Ltd. creates a supportive environment conducive to recovery and personal growth.
Drug treatment, addiction recovery, detox services, individual therapy, group therapy, holistic treatment, relapse prevention, rehabilitation programs, substance abuse counselling, recovery support, evidence-based practices, addiction management.
Opening Hours:
9:00 AM-5:00 PM
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