Contact Info:
Licensed Insolvency Practitioner, 1B Meridian South, Meridian Business Park, The Debt Management Suite, Leicester, LE19 1WY, United Kingdom
Phone: 01164300347
Licensed Insolvency Practitioner is a company offering expert insolvency services in the UK. Specialising in debt resolution and financial restructuring, they assist businesses and individuals facing financial distress. Their services include administering Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs), Company Voluntary Arrangements (CVAs), bankruptcy proceedings, and liquidation processes. With extensive experience in creditor negotiations and asset realisation, they provide tailored solutions to manage debt effectively. Their team of certified professionals ensures compliance with the Insolvency Act 1986 and other relevant regulations. Committed to providing ethical and transparent advice, Licensed Insolvency Practitioner supports clients in achieving financial stability and navigating insolvency challenges.
Company Debt, Corporate Bankruptcy, Insolvency Process
Opening Hours:
Monday – Friday:
09:00 AM – 05:00 PM
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