Once you are done ideating the perfect introduction, you should ideally jot down a couple of problems associated with the essay topic. For example, if the essay topic is based on “Global Warming”, then think of crafting solutions to the issues related to Global Warming.The thesis or introduction is said to be the heart and soul of an essay. You cannot expect to score A+ if you fail to come up with an impressive introduction or a uniquely engaging thesis. The introductory note is supposed to be short yet engaging and it should portray a couple of main problems associated with the subject matter or the topic.
Last but certainly not least, unless you know how to make a 5-paragraph essay outline, all your efforts and brainstormed ideas will simply go down the drain. Brainstorming to figure out ideas and visualize your next move is certainly an essential component. But, knowing how to make a 5-paragraph essay outline will provide you with the perfect roadmap to excelling an essay like a champ.Once you are done coming up with a uniquely impressive introduction/thesis, it’s time to shift your focus to the central part of the essay that the main body paragraphs. Now, there are umpteenth ways to approach the main body paragraphs but most academic researchers suggest students to follow the three-fold essay paragraph format.
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