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Foreword by the Saker: today it is my great pleasure to introduce you all to Faina Savenkova, a young lady from Novorussia whose writings are steadily gaining recognition. I asked Faina to put in her own words how it feels to live under constant Ukronazi artillery strikes and sniper fire. The result is for you to discover below, along with a mini bio of Faina herself. But we had another idea we would like to submit to you: if, after reading Faina’s essay below, you want to ask her a question, please send it to me to my public address Please send your question(s) in English and please make sure to write “questions for Faina” as the subject of your email. I will then collect the questions, translate them into Russia and send them to Fania who will then send me her replies. I think that it is very important to be exposed to the hopes and fears of the regular people of Novorussia, and especially the young ones. I hope that many of you will use this opportunity to not only ask a question, but also maybe convey something to Faina and her family and friends. Finally, I gratefully welcome Fania to our international community – Faina, we are glad and honored to have you with us!

The Saker

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