Dr. Steven Becker was born and raised in Canada, where he attended college and medical school at the University of Manitoba, Canada. He earned his medical degree at age 22 and after practicing in Canada for a short period, he and his family moved to Houston, Texas. He received his specialty certification from the American Board of Family Practice and his Fellowship in the American Academy of Family Physicians soon thereafter. By 2000, his practice, which is located in Houston’s Memorial area, had grown to over 20,000 active patients, while employing six Family and Internal Medicine physicians. In 2010, he restructured his practice into a hybrid concierge style medical practice in order to continue to deliver the high quality medical care that his patients have learned to expect from him. His interests extend to clinical research, as Principle Investigator in 30 clinical research studies. He has a strong Healthcare Information Technology background, acquired during the research and development of clinical medical software. Dr. Becker continues to seek an understanding of leading-edge concepts, discoveries, and technologies and to stay abreast of developments in Medicine and related fields.
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