"Dr. Ajay Dubey is a qualified M.D. Dermatologist and a Senior Hair Transplant Surgeon with an experience of over 18 years. He has completed over 2500 surgeries.
He currently serves as the Global Medical Director of Evolved Hair Restoration, a chain of international clinics headquartered in Australia. In his previous role, he was the Medical Director of DHI International.
He is the first surgeon in India to be certified by the London Hair Restoration Training Academy for consecutive 11 years.
He is the only Asian doctor to be invited twice 2019 and 2021 to be invited to deliver a talk on hair restoration at the prestigious Aesthetic Medicine World Congress.
He is an alumni of the most prestigious medical institutes of India including AIIMS(New Delhi), IMS Banaras Hindu University, and King George Medical University (Lucknow)."
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