Quality that is superior,Variety which is wider!" Ali Brothers Perfumers is deem name in export of 100% pure and natural Attars,Essential Oils,Absolutes and Hydrosols. Continual focus on quality has earned and epitome of trust for the company amidst the world market.We assist the customers who manufacture perfumes,fragrance,cosmetic,soap,candle etc.In the name of M/S Ali Brothers Perfumers in Kannauj, situated about 80 km away from Kanpure and 150 km from Lucknow. We are the company which are totally dedicated to protect Natural Resources that is why our prices is very genuine and competitive for both local and international buyers.
The process of Fragrance and Flavors Industries which was started many years ago is continually growing with great pomp and show.We produce the best and most authentic Attars,Essential Oils,Absolutes and Floral Water in the world.Our raw materials are carefully selected and controlled throughout the manufacturing process.That's why our products have the highest quality in the world.So our company is working with better fame with new and old clients than any other competitors.
We Have Our Administrative Office In Kannauj And Extraction Is Done Through The Following Process;
Solvent Process
Hydro Distillation
Steam Distillation
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