Kamdhenu Retreat, an all-suite type retirement complex for senior living, is built in the heart of Charotar, in the fields of the centrally located town of Dabhou (Taluka Sojitra – District Anand), about 12 miles from Nadiad. It is a modern, full-service, all-inclusive resort with a wide range of services. It's a resort where all required services are carefully designed and all furnishings are of the highestquality. It's made to help you accomplish your desired retirement lifestyle desires.A wide range of amenities and services are offered to fulfill the demands of today's seniors. Our Services include all meals, free Wi-Fi Internet, proper medical care, and transportation. You can enjoy freshly cooked meal selections hand-picked by our chefs from a wide range of delectable dishes and cuisines, resulting in an elegant yet casual dining experience. Kamdhenu offers a wide range of large one- and two-bedroom floor designs to meet your needs. Each of their spacious floor plans has its air and heat controls, as well as a privateveranda or terrace with spectacular lake views.You can pursue your hobbies and interests – Reading, music, movies, games and sports, religious activities, socializing, consulting, volunteering, etc to just name a few. Kamdhenu Retreat is designed to bring sentiments of security, relaxation, comfort, convenience, and happiness while removing all of life's problems.
© 2025 Ecological social network
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